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教学院长谈教学 | 澳门新葡平台网址8883宋伟副院长关于2020春季学期延期开学问题解答


教学院长谈教学 | 澳门新葡平台网址8883宋伟副院长关于2020春季学期延期开学问题解答

FAQs about the Teaching Arrangement of 2020 Spring Semester | Dr. Song Wei, Vice Dean of International School  


Dear International Students:


The recent outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus has attracted the close attention from people across the globe. What we care about the most is the health and safety of every student.


During the extension of winter holiday, we believe that students will have many questions concerning their studies and the teaching arrangements. For example: Will the epidemic affect their studies? How does the school carry out teaching activities? Will the course selection and resits be carried out as scheduled? We would like to inform you that North China University of Technology has made comprehensive arrangement for the teaching work of 2020 spring semester. In the following, Dr. Song Wei, Vice Dean of International School, will explain the FAQs in great detail.

Q1: 为了保障延期开学期间的教学质量,澳门新葡平台网址8883做了哪些准备工作?

Q1: in order to ensure the quality of teaching during the postponement, what preparatory work has International School done?

在学校党委及学校疫情防控领导小组的统一领导下,澳门新葡平台网址8883成立了延期开学教学工作组,并制定了《澳门新葡平台网址88832020 春季学期延期开学期间教学工作方案》,积极运用现代技术手段,稳妥有序地开展2020春季延期开学期间的教学工作

Within the unified arrangement of the University Council and the NCUT Leading Group of Epidemic Prevention and Control, International School has set up a working group of teaching activities for the postponement of the spring semester and formulated Teaching Plan for the Postponement of 2020 Spring Semester of North China University of Technology, actively using modern technical means to carry out the teaching work for the postponement of 2020 spring semester in a solid and orderly manner.

Q2: 延期开学期间,为留学生开设的课程能否如期进行?

Q2: during the postponement, will the courses for international students be carried out as scheduled?


International School is mainly responsible for the teaching of Chinese for Chinese language students, as well as the courses for degree students, such as Chinese, Introduction to China, and Business Chinese. Considering that international students are distributed in all countries of the world and in different time zones, therefore, the International School organizes teachers to record teaching videos and upload them to the network platform such as Cloud Drive, so that students can download and learn at any time. At the same time, each teacher has also established a Wechat group for respective courses, in which students can exchange and interact with teachers and carry out teaching activities such as consultation, question answering and guidance.


For the professional course teaching of degree students, in principle, the theoretical courses offered by each school will also adopt the remote teaching method. The teaching method will be published on the multi-mode teaching platform (http://iclass.ncut.edu.cn/), students can log in to the multi-mode teaching platform to check, and International School will cooperate with each school to inform every international student. Please also check the notice in time issued by each school and keep in touch with course teachers.

Q3: 开学初的补考怎么办?

Q3: what about the resits at the beginning of new semester?


The resits will be arranged separately in the spring semester of 2020. The specific time for resits will be published on the Wechat Platform for Teaching and Academic Affairs, and International School, together with each school, will also send notices.


Q4: will the course selection and withdrawal in the first week of new semester still be carried out as scheduled?


The course selection and withdrawal of this semester will be carried out according to the original schedule. Please contact the teachers for foreign students’ affairs in each school.

Q5: 大四的毕业设计怎么安排?

Q5: how about the arrangements of the graduation project for senior students?


The graduation project will still be in accordance with the original standard and schedule. According to the characteristics of each programme, each programme will develop different means to carry out graduation project. Please contact your thesis supervisors actively and timely, and complete the graduation project work as soon as possible according to requirement of each school.

Q6: 留学生如何了解所在专业采用的授课方式?

Q6: how can international students know the teaching methods adopted by their programmes?

各学院均会给留学生下发2020 春季学期延期开学期间教学工作方案,如果没有得到通知的同学,可以联系辅导员、班导师以及各学院全英文授课专业的联系人。

Each school will issue the teaching plan for the postponement of 2020 spring semester. If students are not informed, you can contact the teachers for foreign students’ affairs in each school.

Q7: 关于校内网络访问流量问题,学生上网流量不够怎么办?

Q7: Concerning online teaching, what if students don't have enough internet data?


The Information Center of NCUT will increase the internet data plan to 100 gigabytes / month for students staying in campus.


Keep yourself safe from new coronavirus

Wash your hands frequently


Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.


Wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet, after contacting with animals or handling animal wastes.


Active protection


Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly.


The susceptible persons should by all means avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations, and airports. Wear a mask to reduce the risk of exposure to pathogens.


Avoid close contact with patients without any protection and avoid touching patients’ eyes, mouth and nose.


Pay attention to keeping good room ventilation in your home and workplace with windows open and keep the environment clean.


Avoid close contact


Avoid contact with farmed livestock or wild animals without any protection in short distance.


Good and safe dietary habits


Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs.


Wash your hands between dealing with raw and cooked foods.


Separate the cutting board and kitchen knives.


Strength your immune system


Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching and infections.



2019-nCoV, as it's been labelled, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans.


Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven) are known to infect people.


Scientists believe an animal source is"the most likely primary source" but that some human-to-human transmission has occurred.


Signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

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